Hire The Right Sales People For Your Business

The right salesperson is worth their weight in gold. They boost new sales, increase the revenue from existing clients, and enhance your client retention rates. On the flip side, the wrong salesperson can do more harm than good, pushing even existing clients away from your business.
Your sales team is an investment in your business. If you invest wisely your return will be high! If you don’t you will be left out of pocket.
Hiring the right salesperson isn’t an art form. There is science behind finding and onboarding the right person. By applying this key knowledge, you will get the results you want.
Metisan will guide you through the process of finding, and keeping, the perfect sales team for your business.
It All Starts With Your Sales Process
An important first step in recruiting the right salesperson is developing a solid sales process. This step will help you find the salesperson that will fit your sales process, your business, and your clients.
Finding The Right Salesperson
The sales recruitment process can be challenging, especially because really successful salespeople are a different breed to most other folk. Ambitious, intuitive, and sensitive to client emotions, your salesperson may well be different to every other employee in your business.
It’s not a matter of good and bad, it’s a matter of fit. The right fit for your business.
During our one-on-one sessions we will:
- Define the qualities of the salesperson your business needs
- Write a job advertisement that will attract the right salespeople for your business
- Make your new salesperson part of your business operations
- Set realistic and measurable goals for your new salesperson
- Define the right commission structure for your business and your new salesperson
The wrong salesperson is worse than having no salesperson at all and finding salespeople doesn’t have to be a gamble.
Call Metisan today on 0417 331 040. You can also fill out our contact form and we’ll get back to you ASAP!
Motivating and Managing Your Team For Sales Success
Selling isn’t a one-step process; it’s a series of small steps and while you might hire a salesperson to look after the lifeblood of your sales, everyone who has contact with a client is in some way part of your sales team.
During our one-on-one sessions we will help you think about how to:
- Communicate your sales strategy in-house so that every team member supports your sales process
- Measure each level of sales success through your process, from transition to conversion
- Use your sales funnel to manage your sales process (not your sales team)
- Bring out the best in your salesperson without micromanaging (and driving you both crazy in the process)
If you have the right salesperson, but your results aren’t quite what they should be, you might just need some coaching and mentoring to bring everything back on track.
Call Metisan today on 0417 331 040. You can also fill out our contact form and we will get back to you ASAP!